
Sweet & Funny Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! There are so many ways to share your good news, but why simply tell your family when you can make a fun, creative announcement! Today, we’re going to share a few creative, cute, and funny ways to announce your pregnancy to your friends, family and the world. Let’s go! 

Say it with signposts
Find a funny road sign, snap a cute photo and you’re done! This is an easy one, and just relies on your finding the right sign in your town. 

Spell it out
There are so many ways to execute this one. Spell it out, like the couple above have done. Get older siblings to hold the balloons, or just have a couple of sweet baby pink or blue balloons and write a caption. It’s simple, effective and oh-so sweet.

Big shoes to fill
This photo idea is a great way to show off your personality. Wear your favourite shoes and get a pair you hope your new little buddy will love. Use the self-timer on your phone and snap a photo of your feet. Job done!

Ultra-sweet ultrasound
This is a classic for a reason! Ultrasound images are the first time new parents get to see what their new baby will look like! And if you can find an image where a hand, foot or profile is clear, all the better. But we all know what it means, regardless. 

Alsatian announcement
Is there anything cuter than getting your furkids involved in the announcement? Snap a pic of your pet — dogs are usually easier, but there are some amazing ones with cats — and add your caption. Or do what this couple have done, and stage your pet with some props. It’s a winner!

Read all about it
It’s pretty easy to get hold of printed clothes these days, making this an great way to anounce your pregnancy. And, even, better, your child can wear it when they’re born! This hilarious announcement seems to us to be peak 2020.

Hands that hold
This simple photo is a great, sweet way to announce your great news. Siblings can be included, or paws of pets. Either way, it’s a lovely, easy way to get the big news out there!

Waxing lyrical
This is a hilarious way to announce the birth of a sibling, especially if they are close in age! Using the famous line from Britney Spears’ hit pop song, everyone will get it immediately. But there are loads of famous lines you could use if pop isn’t your thing.

#CoronaBaby #SocialDistanceFail
We love how these couples have made the best of a weird year! Unsurprisingly, since we’ve all been at home a lot more than usual this year, there has been a spate of pregnancy announcements calling attention to the parents-to-be absolute failure to ‘social distance’. We love how it adds a bit of humour to what has been a bit of a heavy year for so many.

Stork delivery
The story of the stork delivering babies is as old as the hills. It’s even in the opening scenes from the original Dumbo movie, confusing kids for decades afterwards! This adorable announcement is simple and easy to execute, needing only a box, a label, and a doorstep.

There are so many ways to share your good news with your people, and whether you choose one of the more elaborate ways to share or settle with simply telling your good news, we hope you’re surrounded with all the love and support you need during this special time of your lives.

