
Mastering Stress-Free Baby Travel:
Expert Tips and Hacks

The holiday season is a magical time for families, but it can also be a source of stress for parents with a baby in tow. Whether you're a seasoned traveller or embarking on your first journey with your little one, the key to a successful trip lies in careful planning and reliable tools. In this article, we explore key questions about travelling with a baby during the holiday season and offer advice on making the experience smooth and stress-free.

Navigating the Journey

Travelling with a baby can be a wonderful adventure — seeing the world through the eyes of your child is incredible! — but it's natural for parents to have questions about the logistics. Let's address some common queries and discover strategies for ensuring a seamless travel adventure.

What is a good age to start travelling with a baby?

Parents often wonder when it's the right time to embark on journeys with their little ones. The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. However, many paediatricians recommend waiting until the baby is at least two to three months old before undertaking long trips. This allows time for the baby to develop a stronger immune system to handle the various and differing environments you’ll deal with when away from home. 

Travelling with a baby monitor can help parents feel confident about their baby's well-being from an early age, especially when away from home. The Snuza Pico 2 connects to an app on your phone, giving you real-time updates on abdominal movements, skin temperature and sleep routines. This information can be helpful when working out how a trip away from home has affected your baby’s sleep schedule. 

How soon can you travel with a baby?

The excitement of planning the first family trip is unparalleled, but timing is key. As a rule of thumb, it's advisable to wait until the baby has settled into a more predictable routine, typically around the three-month mark. 

While many baby monitors are too bulky to travel with, the Snuza GO is small and comes with its own carry case. Just clip it onto your baby’s nappy, and let it help you relax by keeping an electronic eye on your baby’s abdominal movements. This compact plug-and-play option can be just the thing to help you actually relax on holiday.

How to travel with a baby…

Travelling with a baby requires strategic planning and a few clever hacks. Seamlessly integrate these tips into your routine for a stress-free journey. Here are a few tips for successful travel with an infant:

On a plane:

  • Pack essential items in your carry-on for quick access. Make sure you include a spare outfit or two for the baby and yourself — you never know when a blowout will occur, and take you out with it!
  • Where possible, choose flights that align with your baby's sleep schedule, especially night flights and shorter, daytime flights.
  • Feed your baby during take-off and landing to ease ear pressure. If you bottle-feed, all airlines will allow you to carry formula or pumped breastmilk, over and above the 100ml liquid limitations, if you travel with a baby.

In the car:

  • Plan longer driving legs during your baby’s nap times, and try to stop and stretch your legs and get some fresh air during wake windows.
  • Don’t try to drive for eight hours straight. Experts recommend 2 hours as the longest stretch a baby should be in their car seat at a time.
  • Pack a “carry-on” bag with spare clothing changes for your baby and yourself, and keep it somewhere that’s easily accessible during stops. The last thing you want is to have to unpack half the car just to find a change of clothing.


  • Check visa and vaccination requirements for your destination.
  • Gate check your car seat and stroller so you can use them from the plane at your destination, instead of waiting for the luggage hold to be unpacked.
  • Book a bulkhead seat with a bassinet, if possible, so you have somewhere safe for your baby to sleep during longer flights.
  • Look out for shorter queues for families travelling with infants. Some airports offer these, which make the tedious process of getting through passport control much simpler.

In accommodation:

  • Make sure there is always a safe space for your baby to sleep. Paediatricians advise against allowing your baby to sleep for long durations in a car seat. Babies need a flat sleeping space, free of smothering blankets or stuffed toys.
  • Try to keep your baby’s sleeping setup as similar to home as possible to avoid upsets in your sleep routine.
  • Invest in blackout curtains or a blackout sleep pod for your baby’s crib, to help simulate a dark environment.
  • Take a travel monitor with you, as baby monitors are rarely available in holiday accommodation. The Snuza HeroMD monitors your baby’s breathing and makes a loud sound if your baby stops breathing for 20 seconds — perfect for holiday accommodation, which is often smaller than your home.
  • A portable white noise machine can be very helpful in blocking out unfamiliar sounds in hotels or holiday resorts.

Experience the joy of travel

Travelling with a baby should be an opportunity for creating lasting memories, not a source of anxiety. Employ these strategies to ensure a smooth journey, allowing you to focus on the joy of exploration and quality time with your little one. As you plan your holiday travels, let thoughtful preparation — and Snuza’s range of compact monitors — be your trusted companion, ensuring every adventure is filled with peace of mind and cherished moments.

