
Snuza HeroSEは乳児の体動をモニタリングし、体動が検出できな際に警告音でお知らせする体動センサです。軽量で片手に収まるほどのコンパクトなサイズです。

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Snuza HeroSE

  • EARLY WARNING – The Snuza HeroSE has advanced sensor technology to provide an early alert when movement cannot be detected, allowing you to immediately respond
  • MOVEMENT INDICATORS – A green light and/or ticking sound reassures you that movement is being detected.
  • VIBRATION AND AUDIBLE ALARM - The HeroSE is designed to alert you if no movement is detected for whatever reason, for example if the device detaches. An early pre-alert vibration will activate if no movement is detected after 15 seconds, and if there’s still no movement after a further 5 seconds, an alarm will sound, allowing you to respond and check for any issues.
  • PORTABLE AND WIRELESS – The monitor clips easily onto your baby's diaper and runs on a replaceable battery that lasts up to 6 months. No external power sources or connections are needed. It also comes with a protective carry case for added convenience—simply pop it into your bag for easy portability.
  • QUALITY ASSURED – The Snuza HeroSE ensures the highest standards of quality and safety. Free from any harmful substances, it's safe for babies.

Snuza HeroSEの同梱物は何ですか?

Snuza HeroSE本体


・Snuza Heroはおむつに簡単に取り付けることが可能なウェラブル体動センサです。
・BPA、フタル、 鉛、ラテックス材はしていません。


・製品重量: 31g (CR2電池を除く)
・サイズ: 7cm x 4.5cm x 2.5cm
・電源: CR2電池
・ポータブル: はい
・UPC (グレー): 89834600273
・UPC (パープル): 89834600243





Snuza HeroSEに関する補足情報

Snuza HeroSEはシンプルと安全性を両立した製品です。
Snuza HeroSEは、最高レベルの安全性を維持しながらシンプルな操作性を実現し、今日、市場で最も人気のあるベビー用品の1つになりました。 取り外し(交換)可能なバッテリーは6か月間持続するため、わずらわしいケーブル類や、充電は必要ありません。



















2000以上のレビューをAmazonで獲得したSnuza HeroSE

Snuza HeroSEは赤ちゃんの睡眠時の体動をモニタリングするために開発されました。軽量且つコンパクトで簡単におむつに装着することができます。15秒間体動が停止した際は振動して赤ちゃんの動きを促すとともに、さらに5秒間体動が検出されなかった際は、警告音で周囲でお知らせします。Snuza HeroSEは世界中の赤ちゃんに安全な睡眠をお届けします。

Top Reviews

Jaclyn Marie

Saved my sanity

My little came early and spend some time in the NICU. Once he was released I was really nervous about him not being monitored because he had had problems with breathing when he was first born. So I looked into some options and decided to go with this one. I am so glad I did and I wish I would have had it for my first. With my first born I woke up several times a night to check on him and make sure that he was still breathing. It has gone off a couple of times because it slipped out of his diaper but it also has gone off once or twice while he was holding his breath. This makes me know that it works and I don't worry at night. It's expensive but to me it's worth it. I have recommended it to other anxious moms several times already. Do yourself a favor, quit worrying and get this.

Jennifer Duffey

This has literally been the best purchase I have made for our daughter

This has literally been the best purchase I have made for our daughter. She has stopped breathing a few times in her sleep. Twice was just long enough for the vibration to wake her. So the alarm didn't go off, but it made her breath. The light was blinking red when she woke later on so that's how I even knew. The other time she stopped breathing and It sounded the alarm. I had to gently shake her to get her to breath again.I honestly don't know that she would be here, if we didn't have this on her. She is 3 months old and we've been using it since she was a week old. It gives us peace of mind at night knowing that shes got something on her that will gently wake her, or us, if she stops breathing.

Alex Ontiveros

My number 1 favorite baby product

When my son was born and we were sent to our recovery room we were settling down for the night when he started choking and spit up a ton of amniotic fluid. I had no clue what to do. I pushed the call buttons but they didn’t work. I couldn’t find a suction bulb. Luckily My Mom instincts kicked in and I pulled him out of the bassinet and patted his back until the fluid was all out. It was enough to scare me to death though. After that first night I didn’t want to sleep for fear that he would stop breathing. I just sat up and watched him as I grew more and more sleep deprived (I also was refusing to let people help me, in large part because of my Postpartum depression and anxiety... but that’s another story). I stayed up for the first 5 days. And then we remembered we had bought the Snuza. The Snuza clips on the baby’s diaper and will sound and alarm if breath movement is not detected. I’ve had two false alarms so far and that alarm is enough to scare me for life, lol. It ticks every time he breathes... that gives me the reassurance I need. Especially when driving and he’s in the back seat not as accessible. I’d probably still not be sleeping if it weren’t for the Snuza.

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for the basic features
of the Snuza Pico

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