Bringing your baby home from hospital is one of the most simultaneously happy and terrifying moments. When you get home, you're on your own. There are no nurses to call when something scary happens: it's all on you. It's understandable then, that so many parents are anxious about their babies. Between feeding, changing, soothing and sleeping, there's so much going on and parents are tired. We at Snuza are lucky enough to hear so many stories of how our baby movement monitors save babies lives and alleviate parental anxiety and stress. Here are a few of our favourite stories.
Having your baby prematurely is stressful, both for the baby and for the parents. Alysa Shaw's baby girl was born two months premature and spent over a month in the NICU. Premature babies often have weaker lungs as they had less time to develop in utero. Their hearts can also be a bit sluggish, leading to bradycardia (an abnormal slowing of the heart rate). Alysa bought a Snuza monitor while she was pregnant, and started using it 24 hours a day after her little girl was discharged from NICU. Within a few days after discharge, her Snuza alarm sounded. Her little girl's movements had ceased or slowed, and not been roused by the 15 second alarm. Due to the speed with which the Snuza alerted them, Alysa and her husband were able to revive their baby. So great was her confidence in her Snuza, that she was able to decline when their doctor suggested readmitting her daughter to the hospital to monitor after this event. Alysa's baby girl continues to grow and thrive, all thanks to the alerts of their Snuza.
Jennifer's baby was about 3 months old when her Snuza saved her life. One morning, Jennifer was getting ready for work as usual. She put her daughter into her bassinet with her pacifier, and carried on getting ready as usual. Suddenly, her Snuza alarm sounded and she rushed over to her baby. Her daughter suffered from severe acid reflux, and had aspirated some into her lungs and stopped breathing. Her Snuza alerted her mom, who picked her up, dislodging the blockage to her airway.
Parenting is full of anxious moments, but unless you've suffered from anxiety, you won't understand the all-consuming anxiety of motherhood. Erin has suffered from extreme anxiety, and was too fearful and anxious to leave his side for the first three weeks, even to sleep! When sleep deprivation became too much to handle, she finally found the Snuza. She activated the heart rate beeper whose constant, quiet presence has alleviated her anxiety. In her own words, "I can clean the house, leave the room, take a phone call with absolutely no worry! I have gotten my life back!"
There are many reasons why a Snuza baby movement monitor will help your family. Whether you have a premature baby with health concerns, a parent with anxiety or an ordinarily healthy baby, your Snuza helps. It is your eyes, your hands and your early warning system in the event of any slowing or loss of movement or breathing.