Our Blog

How Technology is Helping Parents Cope with the Pressures of Parenting

This week, we’re launching “Get to know us” – a feature where you can learn more about what happens behind the scene’s at Snuza. This week, we’re talking to Tielman Terblanche, Dad of 3 and our Head of Tech about how technology is helping parents copy with the pressures of parenting.   Q: Do you […] Read More

Baby Shower Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank

Baby showers can be the best of times or the worst of times. For some people, it’s a welcome opportunity to get together with friends and family and be the centre of attention for the day! For others, it’s the same but they really don’t relish the prospect. So whether you’re planning a baby shower […] Read More

Fun Ways to Share Your Pregnancy With Your Partner

No matter where you are on the journey to becoming parents, you might already be dreaming of how you’ll share the good news. So whether you’re already in the early weeks or just excited for what’s to come, let’s look at some fun ways to tell your partner that you’re pregnant. After all, good news […] Read More

How to Prepare Your Baby for the Next Baby

Going from zero to one kid can be tough. But going up to two? That’s generally easier, at least for the parents. The number one thing most parents worry about when it comes to adding a kid? How their first baby will handle the change. Here are some great ways to ease the transition for […] Read More

Why Babies Need Tummy Time

Life with a new baby is full on! Whether you’re home with your newborn or eagerly awaiting their arrival, there’s a lot to learn and adjust to. Once you’ve started to figure out the basics, one great way to bond and help your baby’s development is through tummy time. You might have heard the term […] Read More


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