Artigos do nosso Blog

December 2021 Artigos

Social Distancing & The Pre and Post-Partum Period

The before and after-effects of having a baby on mothers can be quite overwhelming. As expecting parents, especially in a time of social distancing, it can be challenging adapting to our new normal. You're not alone in this. Ler mais

Motherhood, Mental Health & New Mom Anxiety

Giving life to a tiny human is a magical yet life changing experience - mentally, physically & emotionally. New mom anxiety and mental health is a real thing! If you're feeling alone and overwhelmed in this season of your life, rest assured, you're not alone. Ler mais

How To Stimulate Healthy Brain Development For Babies

The human brain continues to develop and change into adulthood, however according to the Centres for Disease Control, it is the first 8 years which form the foundation for future learning, health and life success. Your baby’s future relationships, problem solving abilities as well as emotional control all depend on how the people closest to them interact with your baby on a daily basis. Ler mais

