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Les articles avec le tag 'sensory activities '

Why Wait 20 Seconds For An Alert?

As producers of baby breathing and movement monitors, we’re often asked why our devices are designed to wait 20 seconds to alert parents and caregivers to a cessation of breathing. Why not, concerned parents ask, alert at 5 seconds or 10 seconds? In order to explain this, we have to look at what we know […] En savoir plus

What You Need To Know About SIDS And Breathing Monitors

SIDS is the leading cause of death of babies between 1 month and 1 year of age. It’s indiscriminate, it’s silent and it’s devastating. It doesn’t target anyone. It can happen to happy, adorable, seemingly healthy babies and, as most new parents can imagine, is a life-altering event that you wouldn’t wish on your worst […] En savoir plus

Safe Sleeping Techniques For Your Baby

One of the first things you think about when you’re pregnant, especially as a working parent, is who will care for your baby when you go back to work. If you’ve already decided to go back to work, you’re probably going to have to choose between a nanny or a group daycare. Whichever you choose, […] En savoir plus

